About a week ago, I received an email from a user of Concutest, asking whether I would update it to be based on JUnit 4.12 soon. I hadn’t worked on Concutest in a while, and I also hadn’t followed along with the development of JUnit, so I don’t really know what changed from 4.7 to 4.12, but I’m happy that someone is using the results of my graduate work. I said I would work on a release last weekend.
Well, making a release turned out to be a bit more involved. I hadn’t really set up my current computer as a developer machine since my last machine died in November 2012.
The first thing I had to do was get my Perforce server up and running again. I had a backup of the Perforce server directory (which I had already migrated from Linux to Windows after grad school, after migrating it from Windows to Linux during grad school).
I tried to use the Perforce recovery instructions. But when starting up the server again, I got an error message:
Perforce server error:
Database open error on db.config!
BTree db.config from an older server version – 2013.2 or earlier
So I did a database upgrade using Perforce’s instructions for that, and I was back in business.
Now I’m working on merging in the concJUnit changes into JUnit 4.12, but I’m also thinking about turning my Perforce repository into a Git repository. At work, I’ve been using Git for nearly two years now, and I generally like it so much better than Perforce. Sorry, Perforce, you’ve been great for the last 11.5 years.
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