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Installation Marathon

I spent Saturday and Sunday installing program over program. It’s hard to imagine how much stuff I had on my computer. I used a list of programs that I had made the summer before when I reinstalled Windows, added a few programs that I had begun to use (miktex, for example), and removed others. I actually didn’t install quite a few programs… still I’m not quite done.

Exporting all the settings is quite a pain too, especially since some of the programs don’t run on my old machine anymore. The 120 GB hard drive is missing, and all the drive letters have changed. I think I’m quite close to having this computer in a working condition. IDEA and Perforce are installed, as is VS 2005 Beta 2. I haven’t installed VS 2003 Enterprise yet… I’m not sure if I need to.

Getting the virus scanner installed was more difficult than it should be — again. Last year, VirusScan 7.1.0 would not work properly on Windows 2003 Server, so I got version 7.0.0. That still works, but now it doesn’t update anymore, so my virus definition files are from 2003. Rice offers VirusScan 8 to the entire community, but somehow my login wouldn’t work. IT uses the same login information for downloads as for IMAP mail, and I could log into the latter, so I know my password was right. In the end, I managed to get VirusScan 8 elsewhere. It was still ridiculous.

I then celebrated July 4th with a bunch of friend from Rice. Nice weather, barbecue, beer, and fireworks. I had a fantastic time.

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