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Thread Checking Swing

I’m getting more and more the feeling that annotating the Java API side, primarily Swing, will be more important and hopefully produce more results than just annotating the DrJava side. I’ve collected a small number of methods alreaydy by grepping the Java API source, but picking the methods this way is extremely cumbersome, both because it requires reading a lot of code and because writing the method signatures by hand actually isn’t all that easy:

I think I may after all write a GUI tool, a class file browser, that scans the classpath and then allows you to click your way through the packages, classes and methods and attach annotations. I had that idea before, but I just didn’t get to it and then thought maybe it wasn’t necessary.

I’ve also browsed the web and tried to find references for what is and what isn’t allowed with Swing. It’s sad that there isn’t too much that really seems authorative, and the comments in the API source are more than sparse either. Here’s what I’ve found, in no particular order, sometimes with quotes, emphasis by me:

As a summary, I can probably say that most of Swing should be event thread-only, except for the few methods mentioned in the list below. Text models may be ok to be called from outside the event thread, but JTable and JTree models are not. And Sun has made my life a little bit easier by retracting their statement that a GUI can be constructed in the main thread as long as it hasn’t been realized.


The comments for DefaultMutableTreeNode indeed say it’s not thread-safe. However, this does not really mean that it should only be accessed by the event thread; there just has to be additional synchronization in place. Can I check for that — without using full-scale Eraser? Should I force access from within the event thread?

* This is not a thread safe class.If you intend to use
* a DefaultMutableTreeNode (or a tree of TreeNodes) in more than one thread, you
* need to do your own synchronizing. A good convention to adopt is
* synchronizing on the root node of a tree.

Many methods on the text model side do state they are thread-safe. Some inner classes in javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet, however, explicitly state they are not thread-safe. Again, the above applies: Running outside the event-thread is ok, as long as there is additional synchronization.

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