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Sleepy Tests

Last night, just before I passed out into comatose sleep after being up all “Wednursday” (Wednesday + Thursday ;)) again, I wrote code to also export arrays and annotations, i.e. data with structure inside, as XML that reflects the structure. Before, I was just dumping it out as a string. I also tested it, but I really wasn’t sure I could trust my coding OR testing skills after being up that long, so I just revisited it, and the code seems to be good.

You may ask why I’m putting so much importance on correctly exporting these annotations to an XML format. Right now, I don’t have code that imports that XML data back, in fact, I don’t even have the code that inserts the runtime checks. So why bother with exporting?

Looking at the XML is just the easiest way for me to make sure that I am gathering the data correctly and that I’m putting it together the right way. Yeah, writing this code took some time too, but it’s a convenient and reassuring stop on the way to what I need to do, and since importing the XML will be important later, this effort isn’t even wasted.

Here’s an example of XML generated from predicate annotations:

The Java code below contains the methods and some of the annotations and predicates. It demonstrates how different kinds of data are processed:

// class with predicate methods for structured data
class Checks {
public static boolean checkArray(Object thisObject, String[] value) {
return true;
public static boolean checkAnnot(Object thisObject, PredicateLink value /*???*/) {
return true;
public static boolean checkEnum(Object thisObject, RetentionPolicy value) {
return true;

// calls Checks.checkArrayObject thisObject, String[] value)
@PredicateLink(value=Checks.class, method="checkArray")
@interface ArrayTest {
String[] value() default {"foo", "bar"};

// calls Checks.checkAnnot(Object thisObject, PredicateLink???)
@PredicateLink(value=Checks.class, method="checkAnnot")
@interface AnnotTest {
PredicateLink value();

// calls Checks.checkEnum(Object thisObject, RetentionPolicy)
@PredicateLink(value=Checks.class, method="checkEnum")
@interface EnumTest {
RetentionPolicy value() default RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;

// calls Checks.checkArrayAnnot(Object thisObject, PredicateLink[] value)
@PredicateLink(value=Checks.class, method="checkArrayAnnot")
@interface ArrayAnnotTest {
PredicateLink[] value() default {
@PredicateLink(value=String.class, method="foo")};

public class TCTest2 {
public void foo() {
// only allowed to be run by event thread

public void bar() {
// only allowed to be run by thread with name "auxThread"

@ArrayTest({"abc", "xyz"})
public void arr() {

public void arr2() { }

public void ann() { }

public void ann2() { }

public void enu() { }

public void enu2() { }

public void arrAnn() { }

public void arrAnn2() { }

Of course, the annotations @ArrayTest, @AnnotTest, @EnumTest and @ArrayAnnotTest don’t have any meaning when it comes to concurrency testing. They’re just there so I can test how arrays, annotations and enums as member values get dealt with.

There’s still one thing where I don’t quite know if what I did was right: The @AnnotTest annotation has a member that is an annotation itself, PredicateLink. According to the conventions for the predicates, the predicate method Checks.checkAnnot has to accept an Object for this and one argument for each value in the annotation. But what is the correct type for this annotation? Is it PredicateLink? How do I call that method? Checks.checkAnnotation(this, @PredicateLink(Object.class)); doesn’t work, and neither does Checks.checkAnnotation(this, new PredicateLink(Object.class));, because PredicateLink is an interface.

This is something that I have to figure out when I write the code that actually calls the predicates. I also think that I may want to change the way default values are exported. After thinking about it a little, I don’t think default values should appear in the XML for members whose values aren’t specified. The XML should correspond exactly to what’s written in the source code. It’s either that, or all default values should appear, and currently they don’t get exported when an annotation is a member value.

I need to get going, COMP 311 and my office hours are ahead of me…. We promised to send out the grades on Wednesday, but not all students have been graded. On Thursday night, I finally decided to send out the grades we have and not wait for consistency as planned. So now the ones that don’t have their grades yet will probably complain to me, and the ones that did get their grades will complain about certain deductions. Yay.

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