This is my second day back from my talks at SIGCSE and Purdue, and I’m already wanting more. We’re finalizing our Mint paper for PLDI, and I’m thinking about a nifty assignment for the SPLASH/OOPSLA Educators’ Symposium.
I couldn’t really find a lot of information about the Educators’ Symposium on the SPLASH/OOPSLA website, except that Educators’ Symposium submissions are supposedly due next week, on March 25.
Fortunately, symposium chair Ed Gehringer told me the Call for Participation will be released within the next two weeks, and that there will be 2.5 to 3 months after that to the submission deadline. Maybe it will coincide with the June 24 deadline for SPLASH posters, demonstrations, submissions to the Doctoral Symposium, Onward! films, and Student Volunteers.