As part of our knowledge (back) transfer, I wrote up these instructions for creating a fresh build of all parts of DrJava and then making a new release on SourceForge.
Note: Our build process is currently broken for Windows machines (see
“instructions below for building just DrJava”, step 6, “Make the
release and put it into Subversion”.)
- Check out trunk (svn co [1]), or if you have trunk checked out, update it.
- cd drjava
- ant clean jar
- cd ../platform
- export DRJAVA_JAR=../drjava/drjava.jar
- ant clean compile-??? jar
Note: Which compile-??? targets you can run depends on the platform
you are compiling on. You need to be on a Mac to run compile-mac and
on Windows to run compile-windows. Since the compiled classes are
stored in Subversion, you can always doant clean jar
to just get all the class files without recompiling.
- cp platform.jar ../drjava/lib
- cd ../plt
- ant clean test jar
- Copy the generated new plt.jar file over all other plt.jar files.
This can be done usingfind .. -name plt.jar -not -samefile plt.jar | xargs -n 1 cp -v plt.jar
- cd ../dynamicjava
- ant clean test jar-base
- cp dynamicjava-base.jar ../drjava/lib
- cd ../javalanglevels
- ant clean test jar-base
- cp javalanglevels-base.jar ../drjava/lib
- cd ..
- Continue with the instructions below for building just DrJava, but not
plt.jar, etc. from scrach.
Building the DrJava application (not the libraries) and making a new release:
- cd drjava
- Create the release locally. It’s a good idea to do this first, without touching Subversion or SourceForge. To create a development release:
ant clean release-local To create a beta release: ant clean release-local-beta To create a stable release: ant clean release-local-stable
- This cleans, compiles, runs the unit tests, builds the jar, exe and
Mac application, and it also generates the Javadoc and a zip file with
source code. - It makes sense to test the three different variants of DrJava: Run
the jar on some platform, run the exe on Windows, and run the Mac
application on a Mac, because sometimes one of them may be corrupted.
This can has happened sometimes for the exe file when building on a
Mac, or for the Mac application when building on Windows or Linux. - ant clean
This deletes the locally built release again. - Make the release and put it into Subversion. Run one of:
ant release ant release-beta ant release-stable
You may want to add -Dtest-repeat=0 to the command line (e.g. ant
-Dtest-repeat=0 release). That tells Ant not to run the unit tests.
You can leave it out, but we just ran the unit tests, so it should not
be necessary to run them again.
Note that this step may ask you for your SourceForge password if you
have never committed code to Subversion from the computer you are
working on. - The build script will now create a “tag” of DrJava that will
contain exactly the source code versions and libraries used to build
this release of DrJava. This is useful in analyzing bugs that users
report in a specific version. - Make note of that tag. It should be something like this:
drjava-20110205-r5425 - To upload files to SourceForge, we will follow this guide written by SourceForge [2]. I find that using SFTP is the easiest.
- Log into SFTP. In the following command, replace <username> with your SourceForge username:
sftp <username>,
Example: sftp mgricken, - On the SFTP server: cd /home/frs/project/d/dr/drjava
- If you are building a stable or beta release, type:
cd "1. DrJava Stable Releases"
If you are building a development release, type:
cd "2. DrJava Development Releases" - Create a directory with the name of the tag from step 8 above.
Example: mkdir drjava-20110205-r5425 - Change into that directory.
Example: cd drjava-20110205-r5425 - Upload the files. You can do that with the command:
put <tag>*
Example: put drjava-20110205-r5425* - Exit SFTP:
exit - Browse to DrJava’s SourceForge site at [3] and log in. - Click on the “Files” tab (or go to [4]). - Click on 1. DrJava Stable Releases or 2. DrJava Development Releases, find the tag, and enter that directory. You should see the
files you uploaded. - Click on the (i) (Info) button next to the exe file, check the
Windows checkbox, and press save.
Click on the (i) (Info) button next to the Mac application, check the
Mac checkbox, and press save.
Click on the (i) (Info) button next to the jar file, check all the
other checkboxes (except Windows and Mac), and press save.
This step changes the default download on DrJava’s SourceForge page
(in the “Download Now!” button on [5]). People downloading
directly from the SourceForge page will start getting the new release. - Prepare the release notes text file called readme.txt. I start
with a template that looks like the one below. To determine the lists
of new features and bug fixes, you can look up the revision number of
the last release you’re comparing to, and then you can go through the
Subversion log and look at the descriptions of the commits, which
should hopefully be good enough to tell you what was done. Unless the
last version was a stable release, I usually include a comparison to
the last stable release as well, which is easy to create just by
copying and pasting the lists from individual release notes together.
Available for download at . DrJava is a lightweight programming environment for Java designed to foster test-driven software development. It includes an intelligent program editor, an interactions pane for evaluating program text, a source level debugger, and a unit testing tool. In addition to bug fixes, this
release includes a number of new features introduced after the last release: Note: Java 1.4 compatibility has been dropped. To use DrJava, you will need Java 5 or newer. New features since the last release: - list of new features since the last beta/development release Bug fixes since last release: - list of bug fixes since the last beta/development release New features since the last stable release: - list of new features since the last stable release Bug fixes since the last stable release: - list of bug fixes since the last stable release
- On the DrJava SourceForge page, upload the release notes into the
new release’s folder. You can do that either using SFTP again or using
the web upload by clicking on “Add File”. I just find that SFTP works
better for uploading the multiple large files earlier in step 15. - On the DrJava SourceForge page, hover over “Develop” and click on
“News” (or go to [6], but that link has changed frequently). Click on “Submit” and paste the contents of the readme.txt file into the “Details” part. In the “Subject” line, I usually put something like “DrJava Development
Release 20110205-r5425”. Press “Submit”. - Send an email to the following addresses:,, - I use the same text that was used in step 23 for the SourceForge news,
but I let the following text precede the email:
Dear DrJava Users: We have made a new <stable/beta/development> version available: <tag> You can download it from the DrJava website at or from by following this link: <link> You receive this email because you have subscribed to a DrJava mailing list.
Replace the <link> part with the link to the SourceForge page that has
the files for this release, i.e. the website you navigated to in step
19. Example: [7] - SSH into CSnet as javaplt (e.g. ssh
- cd ~/public_html/drjava
- Run the drjava-update-news script. This pulls the SourceForge news
onto the DrJava website. Note that for now, this only happens on our
CSnet mirror at [8]
drjava-update-news - Edit the LATEST_DEV_VERSION.TXT, LATEST_BETA_VERSION.TXT or
LATEST_VERSION.TXT file, depending on whether you have a development,
beta, or stable version. Put the new tag into the file. Make sure
there is no newline at the end of the file! - If you made a stable release, you will want to remove the download
links for the beta and development releases. Edit main.shtml and
change the line<!--#include virtual="beta.shtml"-->
<!--include virtual="beta.shtml"-->
<!--#include virtual="devrelease.shtml"-->
<!--include virtual="devrelease.shtml"-->
If you made a beta release, you want the hash mark for the #include of
the beta.shtml file, but not for the devrelease.shtml file. If you
made a development release, you probably want the hash mark for the
devrelease.shtml file, but not for the beta.shtml file. - Do a similar thing as in step 29 for download.shtml. The
corresponding lines are<!--include virtual="beta_long.shtml" -->
<!--include virtual="devrelease_long.shtml" -->
- Go to [8] and check that the
download buttons link to the right files, the ones that you have just
released. It’s a good idea to download them all and run them, to make
sure there were no upload errors. - Delete backup files:
rm *~ - Copy the website to the SourceForge server using the
drjava-cs-to-sf script. Note that it may also update Javadocs, test
coverage, and other files.
drjava-cs-to-sf - That’s it! Thanks for helping make DrJava even better.