Happy New Year (?)

Happy new year!

I haven’t written in a while, but I’ve also been busy. You know the story. I’ve done some traveling in private matters, but mostly it was large scale designs and some important improvements for work. I took every Monday off in December, and I still think that was a genial idea. Now it’s back to work without time off. It’s a marathon of sprints.

This year has not started so well for me, though. The girl I had been dating says she “needs some time.” I don’t know what that means. I don’t know if I am single or still in a relationship. Not that that really matters, I don’t have the nerve to meet anyone new right now anyway. I’ll just bury myself in work as a distraction.

On January 4, a woman drove her car into mine when she tried to squeeze into the left turn lane as I was stopped at a red light. So unnecessary. The damage isn’t bad, but it’s annoying. My car wasn’t even a year old. And now I have to deal with insurance and repairs. The hours wasted are what annoy me the most.

And yesterday I missed my bus because I ripped my shoelace when I put on my left boot. Argh.

Makes me kind of worry about Friday, January 13.


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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