Playing Around With Code

I’ve decided that this is too important to postpone, so I’m actually playing around with code. I’m trying to leverage as much of the code that is already there, though, so I’ve changed the format of the XML concurrency definition a bit:

I’m using the <threadcheck:def> node to designate a concurrency definition. It differs from <threadcheck> and other configuration file nodes, but makes it still apparent that these definitions are part of the Thread Checker. I guess I could have moved a lot more around, but this seems to be the easiest option to create mutually compatible and interchangeable XML files.

I think I’ll also name the annotation first, with the limitation that each definition can only have one annotation, and then list the methods and classes as individual tags, with their names stored in attributes.


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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